Saturday 19 November 2011


Orange and green are vibrant and warm and go so well together. 

Photos from Oxford, starting from top left: 

1. St. John's College. The gardens are really lovely. Incredibly well kept.
2. Modern Art Museum Cafe. I don't usually like the exhibitions in this Museum, but they make lovely soup in the Cafe and going there makes me feel a bit arty.
3. Plant in the garden which I will try to identify by looking at the lovely book my Mum gave to us as a House warming, or shall I say, Garden warming present. 
4. Carrot cake I made. I subscribed to this website a while back and it got me inspired to do some baking.

So, this is the orange and green that has caught my eye recently. But I am sure that if I pay attention there will be much more around me. 

Have a good weekend!

1 comment:

Esther said...

¡Muchas gracias por tu comentario! Veo que tú también tienes un blog muy bonito, con unas fotos preciosas.
Un beso.