Wednesday 25 February 2009


I seem to have an amazing ability to catch any sort of virus that goes around. I am now at home feeling sorry for myself wishing I could feel like a normal human. Poor me.....
I spent all day in bed yesterday, but I have managed to get up today, feeling better, but not quite there yet.

I have been sewing a little bit today, making something with one of the fabrics from my swap with Carina. I am framing the flowers and different designs of this fabric and it will probably end up being a cushion. The colours are lovely and this deserves to be on display.

 In theory I was going to use all the fabrics, buttons and rickrack that she send me for just one project, but they just seem to asked to be used in different ways...
Hope you people out there are doing well, and thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Carina said...

It looks amazing so far! Really love it. I think I might have to try something similar!

Sorry to hear that you are ill. It really sucks.