It is healthy to every so often de-clutter. I like it because it frees up space and is very therapeutic. Don't you always feel great when you get rid off those things you don't need any more? It helps de-clutter your mind too.

I have written about 4 de-cluttering projects I have done or plan to do and the reasons why I find they are good to do.
- Clothes - the thing that gets me is when I see myself in a three year old photograph and I find I am currently wearing that same top. Nothing wrong if you love it and it is in good condition, but I like to change and feel a bit creative with clothes. It makes me feel refreshed to wear new clothes and styles. It is fun!, and you don't always have to spend too much money: try sales for updating your wardrobe with quality modern clothes. Charity shops are great for vintage stuff too.
- Food - What is at the back of your cupboard? I sometimes surprise myself with a bit of horror when I come across a half used pack of pasta I had completely forgotten about, or a can of fruit salad I bought last year. Luckily these things tend to last a long time, but it is good to remind yourself of those things that might need eating soon!
- Fabrics - as you know I am doing a giveaway of fabrics. Nothing wrong with them. In fact, they are all very pretty, but I have used some of them already for other projects, or they are too small, or find them difficult to combine. Better to give them to someone who can make good use of them.
- Subscriptions - I find my taste changes over time and those blogs that I was interested in a year ago are not so "me" anymore. I like to see what other people are doing, there are new blogs all the time with fresh ideas that can be more like what you are into now.
Other de-cluttering projects can be: magazines (cut out the articles you are really interested in), books (you can sell those you don't want any more on amazon), music (put them on your computer or ipod and get rid of the CD boxes), DVD's, make-up bag and anything else you can think off!
Let me know if you are doing any de-cluttering and how good it makes you feel once you have done it.
The photos are of the Hubbell Trading Post which I visited when I went on a wonderful road trip to Arizona a few years ago. Lovely place if you like ceramics, textiles and basketry. Nothing to do with the post, but I thought it needed some inspiring photos!
: )